
Albert Park Table Tennis


2021 Membership Add-Ons

Published Tue 12 Jan 2021

The Albert Park Committee has introduced the following add-ons so you can earn more from your membership!

Competition (Adult) Add-Ons:

  • APTT/TTV/TTA Membership $110
  • Up to 3 Seasons of Pennant @$120 each
  • Club Shirt  = $45
  • Free entry into the inaugural Albert Park Closed Championships to be held in November 2021


Competition (Concession) Add-Ons:

  • APTT/TTV/TTA Membership $90
  • Up to 3 Seasons of Pennant @$90 each
  • Club Shirt  = $45
  • Free entry into the inaugural Albert Park Closed Championships to be held in November 2021


Please Note: Due to TTV Membership, TTV Premier League, and Club Shirt Fees being non-refundable once paid on your behalf, if you need to pull out from any unplayed future season for any reason, you will be refunded any future fees that have not already been paid to TTV  i.e if you purchase Package 1 and pull out ¾ of the way through Season 1, we will be able to refund you for the unplayed Season 2 & 3 only. You will also forfeit your right to free entry into the Open Singles of the Albert Park Open or Closed that you chose.

Refunds due to injury mid-season will not be honored unless a committed substitute player is found. This is due to the funds are in TTV’s hands and not ours where TTV has a no refund policy.



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